Thursday, August 27, 2009

Brownbag Seminar with David Wayne Thomas

Welcome back! The BMG kicks off the fall semester with a brown bag seminar with Prof. David Wayne Thomas on Wednesday, September 2, from 12 – 1:30 in the Senate room of the English Building.

Prof. Thomas is Associate Professor of English at the University of Notre Dame and the author of Cultivating Victorians. His current research is focused on themes of law, legal administration, and liberal reformism in imperial settings, especially in British India. For the brownbag we will read Prof. Thomas’s essay “Liberal Legitimation and Communicative Action in British India: Reading Flora Annie Steel's On the Face of the Waters.” In Prof. Thomas’s words, the essay engages a wide variety of critical touchstones in mainstream theory and Victorian studies and offers his reflection on how a Habermasian literary reading might operate.

Please let us know if you are interested in attending the brownbag, and we will send you a .pdf of the reading. A copy of the reading will also be in a folder near the copier in 211.

If you would like to receive our emails regularly, or if you have any questions, please email us or check out our website.

We hope to see you at the brownbag and at future BMG events.

photo by sir watkyn